
Reviewers play an important role in the development of sciences in the field of community service. Although in recent years the peer review process has drawn some criticism, it remains the only widely accepted method for research validation and the cornerstone of the scientific publishing process. Scholars: Social and Service Scholars, like most other scientific journals, rely on an effective peer review process to uphold not only the quality and validity of individual articles, but also the integrity of the journal as a whole. How to become a Scholar Reviewer: Social and Service Scholar? 

  1. Some of the criteria required by the Scholar Reviewer: Social and Service Scholar for prospective reviewers
  2. Can come from domestic and foreign affiliates/institutions
  3. Has national qualifications which are marked by ownership of a number of articles within the last three years published in accredited national scientific journals.
  4. Have an adequate number of article citations
  5. Have done peer review in several other journals
  6. Preference will be given to those who are part of the editorial board of the journal

To become a reviewer of the Scholar Reviewer: Social and Service Scholar, if you have met the requirements above, then it is enough to complete these requirements and send it to the Editor of the Scholar Reviewer: Social and Service Scholar via email You will be notified of the results of your application within two weeks of your submission.